It’s a beautiful September day!  Fall is in the air under the meeting tree in Woodland World.  

Frank, the bear, is busy raking up the crispy colorful leaves.  He was unaware that Maple and Sammy were hiding up in the huge tree. They love playing tricks on their woodland friends, especially as it is getting close to spooky Halloween. 

Every time Frank turned his back thinking he had raked up all the leaves, Maple and Sammy would drop more down to the ground.  Orange, red and gold rained down from the tree.  Frank would look around and think he was done when all of a sudden, there were more leaves! 

Frank started to guess that something was amiss, especially when he heard giggling coming from up above.

“I know you’re up there Maple and Sammy!” exclaimed Frank.

“Oh Sammy...we were giggling too loud” whispered Maple "He's on to us!"  Sammy and Maple came out of hiding and flew down to the lowest resting branch on the tree.

“Hi was us. Hee hee hee...what are you going to do today?” asked Sammy

“WELL... I thought I would go fishing, if I could just finish raking all these leaves!”

Sammy, Maple, and Frank all had a good giggle.  Laughing, raking and blowing the leaves with their birdy wings they all cooperated  together to finish the task. 

"Off to the stream!" they cheered.

Stay tuned for more Woodland World adventures!

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