Giving Back

When Cammie first started making eco-dough® it was to give to our kids, our kids friends and the children Cammie would nanny for.  When we decided to sell our eco-dough® at the Hollywood Farmers market we were overwhelmed with encouraging words.  If a child enjoyed our product while visiting the booth we always wanted to make sure they left with dough regardless of whether or not money was exchanged.  When we started our company we were never worried about keeping inventory counts.  It just felt better to give our excess product away to people.  We would trade with other vendors at the market, and they were kind to us.  I would sometimes leave the market with a box full of heirloom tomatoes, vegetables and fresh cut wild flowers.  All the necessities to fill a house, body and mind with joy. 

As eco-kids has grown we've never had a budget for PR and Marketing.  What we did have was a willingness to donate or give our products away to a good cause or a family in need.  Giving away gift baskets to be raffled off at schools and doing give-aways on blogs around the country seemed to be the perfect fit for eco-kids.  We have been very fortunate to be surrounded by a supportive customer base, family and friends. 

So to continue on this path, this Spring we have decided to do a eco-eggs coloring kit™ give away.  We've put 5 golden tickets randomly in our eco-eggs coloring kit™ reminiscent of Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.  The lucky winners will receive our entire line of products, PLUS eco-kids will donate $500 worth of art supplies to a charity or cause of that child's choice.  

As we continue to grow it is nice to be reminded of where eco-kids 
came from and our core beliefs.

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